General Information

General Information:

  1. All correspondence shall be addressed to Principal.
  2. Students are required to be regular and punctual in attending the school. Biometric attendance will be compulsory for all the students.
  3. Students must be dressed in proper and complete uniform.
  4. Any damge to the school property by a student out of negligence will have to be made good by the parents. The assessment of the loss will be made by the Principal.
  5. In the event of breach of discipline of conduct, the student may be penalized up to the extent of expulsion from the school and caution money will be forfeited.
  6. No person other than the specified relatives of the students will be allowed to contact the students during the school hours. That too, is allowed only in emergency.
  7. Applications for the School Leaving Certificate (SLC) must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the day when it is required.
  8. Although all possible Medical/First Aid facilities are provided in the School, and all precautionary measures are taken in this regard, yet the School shall not be responsible for any injury or physical harm occurring accidentally to any student during the school hours.
  9. The Social Rules and Regulations are interpreted by the management, through the Principal, shall be final and binding on all the Students/Parents/Guardians. The Management, through the Principal, reserves the right to amend the Rules and Regulations of the school.
  10. No Parents/Guardians shall be allowed to interfere in the Academic or Administrative matter of the School, However, constructive suggestions shall always be welcomed.
  11. Notice about the school programs, Functions, Holidays, Tests, Examination and all other events will be sent to the Parents/Guardian through the students or through the SMS (as per prevailing rules).